Leanne Barrett: Creative Life: Week 21 2024 - Answers Are Inside Me

Friday 24 May 2024

Creative Life: Week 21 2024 - Answers Are Inside Me

Week 21: Support - I will talk to someone I trust about my fears. (SoulSistersToo - Soulfilled)
Intention Setting: Use the tools at hand to move beyond your fears, trust yourself, trust spirit and your support network.

Answers Are Inside Me...

Reflecting upon this week's affirmation made me realise that over the years I have built a great network of trustworthy people who I can to talk to about my fears;
  • My husband
  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Friends
  • Psychologist
  • GP Doctor and Nurses
But I can also seek assistance and tools closer to home. I can trust myself and I can trust spirit.

When I am still and connect to my inner self and spirit, I have the ability to examine my own thoughts for answers inside me. I know that I can trust myself and my knowledge. I know that I have a ritual and process to assist myself.
  •  I have a sacred space where I connect to self and spirit. In this space I have a candle, salt, oil, water, oracle/affirmation cards, a collection of items from nature, and music. 
  •  In this ritual I connect to my body, hear what it has to tell me and I journal my thoughts. During this process I ask myself questions and answer them. (See some potential questions below.)
  • Sometimes during this process I set my intention and create a collage seeking guidance and clarity from my intuition.
This week some of my fears are;
  • Am I and my art good enough for an exhibition? Being an artist is about sharing yourself and your work. While this may feel hard to do you have chosen this to be part of your art process. Trust yourself and your artistic expression.
  • Will I remember everything I need? You have prepared well for the exhibition. If you've forgotten something that's okay, you can be flexible and seek a solution. Plus hubby is available to support you during the exhibition opening.
  • Will I ever be healthy again? You are taking the steps required to return your body back to balance. If you need assistance there are many experts available for support and information. Remember it takes time and not be so hard on yourself. Tend to yourself and trust that your body can heal.
Fear and Trust Questions:
  1. Who do I trust that I can seek support from?
  2. What fears do I have right now or may have later this week?
  3. Is this something I need to worry about?
  4. Can I give myself permission to let go of this fear?
  5. Is there something I can do to attend to these concerns?
  6. Does my intuition and knowledge have an answer or tool?
  7. If I don't have the answers, who can I go to support? (Refer to answers from question 1.)
  8. Remember if you need help and you don't have support, seek assistance from a helpline.

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