Affirmation for Week 48: Time - Carve out time in your day to do something on your wish list.
Intention Setting: What is on my wish list I would like to do?
Affirmation for Week 48: Time - Carve out time in your day to do something on your wish list.
Intention Setting: What is on my wish list I would like to do?
Affirmation for Week 47: Delight - I choose to do things that make me happy.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me delightful things to do that will make me feel joy.
Affirmation for Week 46: Assistance - When you feel overwhelmed accept help.
College Intention Setting: Spirit send me people or wisdom to assist me when I need help.
Affirmation for Week 45: Self Knowledge - I choose to do what is good for me.
Collage Intention Setting: May I notice when spirit nudges me towards decisions that are right for me.
Affirmation for November: Spirit - Let go and trust the Universe to lead you.
Collage Intention Setting: May I trust the Spirit of Universe to lead me.