Affirmation for Week 44: Caring - I choose to care for myself.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me ways to focus on self care this week.
Affirmation for Week 44: Caring - I choose to care for myself.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me ways to focus on self care this week.
Affirmation for Week 43: Health - I choose to live a healthy life.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me all the ways I can live a healthier lifestyle.
Affirmation for Week 42: Memories - Recall a memory that makes you smile.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me memories that make me smile.
Affirmation for Week 41: Faith - I choose to be true to myself.
Collage Intention Setting: Show me what being true to myself looks like.
Affirmation for Week 40: Stepping Stones - Break you big dream into tiny steps so you can achieve it.
Collage Intention Setting: O' Divine Spirit, Show me what my big dream is and guide me in creating small steps of achievement.
Affirmation for October: Explore - Explore something you've never done before.
Collage Intention Setting: May I be open to new opportunities and what I can learn from them.