Leanne Barrett

Friday 21 June 2024

Creative Life: Week 25 2024 - Connecting and Moving Forward

Week 25: Momentum - I will take one step forward every day. (SoulSistersToo: Creative)
Intention Setting: Spirit, please help me notice the steps I need to take to move forward.

Connecting and Moving Forward...

This week spirit guided me to connect with friends and family through a variety of ways;
  • Visiting them for the day
  • Catching up over a cuppa in a cafe
  • Texting messages and sending photos
  • Phone calls
  • Chill out time
When I connect with these special people (people who build me up) I am reminded that these interactions are inspiring and supportive. This was a message I truly needed after so many months working alone on preparing my art exhibition. 

In sharing with loved ones what I've been doing (reflecting) and listening to what they have been experiencing I have discovered a new feeling of momentum. Now, I have a pathway to move towards what I'd like to achieve in the remainder of this year and even in future years. (I find myself thinking about the next exhibition, even though I don't have any new artworks yet.)

Spirit also showed me that sometimes inspiration can come from browsing in a bookstore. I just love bookstores and seeing what delights can be found inside. Unlike last time I went book shopping when I entered the shop this time I didn't have any titles in mind, but soon, two books caught my eye.

Friday 14 June 2024

Creative Life: Week 24 2024 - Music Is Joy

Week 24: Musicality - Today I will listen to or play music. (SoulSistersToo: Creative)
Intention Setting: Take joy in all kinds of music that your hear or create.

Music Is Joy... 

For me music is joy. I love to listen to music all day long, espically when I create art.
I listen to the radio or to CDs
I sing
I create music on the piano
I listen to bird song 
I hear the sounds of nature and the city - songs of the environment
Music makes my soul soar
Music moves me into flow
Music is life

Last weekend I listened to ABC Classic FM to see which songs were voted as the top 100 feel-good classics. My favourite song was number 7 on the list - The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins.

I wonder where your favourite song ranked?

Friday 7 June 2024

Creativity: Week 23 2024 - Passion Celebration

Week 23: Passion - I choose to do my passion now. I will not wait. (SoulSistersToo: Creative)
Intention Setting: Enjoy the fruits of my passion by sharing my artwork in my solo exhibition.

Passion Celebration...

After not publicly displaying my artwork since the beginning of the covid pandemic it was time to embrace my passion for creating art and to take joy in sharing  my artwork in my first solo exhibition. 

Thank you everyone who helped me celebrate my passion by visiting my exhibition. And thank you  to those of you who chose to take some of my art home with you. And finally a big thank you to hubby, who attended the exhibition everyday to keep me company and to assist me as required. 

Saturday 1 June 2024

Affirmations for June 2024

Affirmations for June 2024

Monthly Affirmation: Hear - Today I heard...and it made me smile (SoulSistersToo: Living)
Monthly Intention Setting: May I be open to hear mindfully as I go about my daily activities.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Creativity: Week 22 2024 - Dream Celebration

Week 22: Clarity - I am happier and stronger when I follow my dreams. (SoulSistersToo - Creativity)
Intention Setting: Celebrate and take joy in all the steps you took to manifest your dream, hosting a solo art exhibition.

Dream Celebration... 

On Friday I am setting up my exhibition, Interweaving: Gerringong and Beyond at the Gerringong Library and Museum Gallery. 
Open 31 May to 6 June 2024.

Holding a solo exhibition is one way for me to celebrate my dream of being an artist. This seed of an idea was born 36 years ago. I've taken the windy journey to get here. Sometimes I came across obstacles that took me on detours for many years. These journeys were so long, that I even forgot my dream at times. But spirit always put signs along the way enticing me back to following my dream. 

Friday 24 May 2024

Creative Life: Week 21 2024 - Answers Are Inside Me

Week 21: Support - I will talk to someone I trust about my fears. (SoulSistersToo - Soulfilled)
Intention Setting: Use the tools at hand to move beyond your fears, trust yourself, trust spirit and your support network.

Answers Are Inside Me...

Reflecting upon this week's affirmation made me realise that over the years I have built a great network of trustworthy people who I can to talk to about my fears;
  • My husband
  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Friends
  • Psychologist
  • GP Doctor and Nurses
But I can also seek assistance and tools closer to home. I can trust myself and I can trust spirit.

Friday 17 May 2024

Creative Life: Week 20 2024 - Discovery and Fun

Week 20: Playfulness - Today find time to connect to the child within me. (SoulSistersToo - Creativity)
Intention Setting: Spirit, please show me ways to connect to my child.

Discovery and Fun...

While my chores and work do list is long, there is always time -  even if only for 5 minutes - each day to connect to the child within. 

What does it mean to connect to your inner child? I think it is about connecting to the joy of play, discovery and doing things just for the love of it, that children innately do. As an creative noticing what I love is important because that is what inspires my art.

Mmmm what can I do to connect with my child within? To start I could do some of the following;
  • colouring-in
  • drawing with textas or crayons
  • collecting something from nature
  • seeing how many different coloured leaves I can find - especially as it currently autumn

What ways can you connect to what you liked to do as a child?