Leanne Barrett: Creative Life: Week 19 2024 - Tea Time

Friday 10 May 2024

Creative Life: Week 19 2024 - Tea Time

Week 19: Priorities - I choose to put myself first. (SoulSistersToo - Creativity)
Intention Setting: Spirit, please show me ways I can put myself first.

Tea Time...

This week's affirmation is a great reminder to for me to take time to connect with my body, mind and soul while I finish off all the small jobs in preparation for my upcoming exhibition. 

And one way to do this is by drinking Earl Grey Tea from one of my special teacups, saucers and teapots while I journal. One of these tea sets was my Great-Nanny's. Grace was an artist, so I feel the bond of her spiritual creative energy when I sip tea from a cup she used. 

Other ways I can also take care of myself during the last stretch towards the exhibition are;
  • get enough sleep
  • take an afternoon nap if needed
  • take breaks from desk work - stretch or walk
  • drink enough water
  • eat when hungry
  • get some fresh air
  • and to take time out to go to a cafe, watch a movie or spend some with family and friends.  

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